Las Pelis que me gustan

  • Pelis q me gustan Leyendas de Pasión Seven La Sombra del Diablo ¿Conoces a Joe Black? Entrevista con el Vampiro Kalifornia Thelma y luis Troya Pesadillas antes de Navidad Titanic Braveheart El señor de los anillos El cuervo Resident Evil Apocalypse 1,2,3 Batman Begins Batman y Robin Batman Forever Batman vuelve Batman (1989) Blade Van Helsing Piratas Del Caribe Underworld Constantine Azumi La casa de las dagas voladoras Shinobi Memoria de una geisha Las crónicas de Narnia Underworld revolution Cryng freeman los paraisos perdidos Constantine Ong bak KING KONG Dracula La reina de los condenados Jovenes ocultos Alien y predator La Lianza del mal (The covenant) Van Helsing El motorista fantasma (ghostride) Iron Man Indiana Jones y el reino de la calavera Hancock La Momia La Tumba del emperador Dragón

La musica que me gusta

  • death metal,black metal, heavy metal, gotic metal, gotic rock,rock n roll,metal melodico,hard rock,Doom,Trash ect.. Grupos q me gustan Anvil of doom Sentenced poison black Cralde of Filth Saturnus Him Charon Lacuna coil Children of bodom Within Temptation Insomnium Talesien Evanescence Blank roses Incon Whitesnake Nirvana Withintemptation Angtoria Apocalyptica The 69 eyes Stravaganzza Saratoga Terasbetoni Europe Guns N Roses Scorpions Judas priest Def Leppard kiss stratovarius Motörhead doro Avalanch



LineUp :
Archzie - BassBazie - GitarreJussi - SchlagzeugJyrki - GesangTimo-Timo - Gitarre
ehemaliges Mitglied :Lotto - Schlagzeug
Die Bandgeschichte.Once upon a time in Finland...Anfang der 90er Jahre begab es sich, dass sich fünf sympathische Freaks aus Helsinki zusammentaten und die Band "The 69 Eyes" gründeten. Sie begannen fortan damit der Welt ihre musikalischen Botschaften nahe zu bringen...Zu Beginn von Bands wie Iggy & The Stooges, Motörhead und The Doors beeinflußt, kamen die 69 Eyes mit herrlich dreckigem Sleaze- und Garage Rock daher. Im Laufe der Jahre entwickelte die Band sich weiter, der Klang wurde dunkler, bis schließlich "Urban Dark City Rock'n'Roll With Romantic Visions Of Death" daraus wurde. 1992. Bump'n'Grind - das erste Album der 69 Eyes erscheint. Harter und dreckiger Rock knallt einem um die Ohren und viele der Songs - wie z.B. "Voodoo Queen", "Juicy Lucy", oder "Dream Master" - machen dieses Album zu einem guten Querschnitt des damals noch wesentlich härteren 69 Eyes Stils.1994. Ausschliesslich in Japan erscheint das Album "Motorcity Resurrection", die Tracklist stellt sich zusammen aus eigenen Titeln und sehr gelungenen Coversongs. Mit Titeln wie "Sugarman" oder "Barbarella" entwickelt es sich schnellstens zum absoluten Mitgröhler. 1995. Das Album "Savage Garden" erscheint als dritter Longplayer der Herren Eyes. Titel wie "Ghettoway Car", "Mr.Pain" ( zu dem es auch ein äußerst gelungenes Video gibt ), das später nochmals in veränderter Form aufgenommene "Velvet Touch" und der Titel "Motorcity Resurrection" geben auf diesem Album den inzwischen unverwechselbaren Eyes Sound wieder.1997. "Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams" geht ins Rennen. Startend mit dem Blondie Coversong "Call Me", steigert es sich über "Broken Man", "Too Much To Loose" und "Turbobitch" von Titel zu Titel und läßt jeden Rockfan begeistert die Ohren spitzen.Zwischenzeitlich beschäftigten sich einige Bandmitglieder immer wieder mit Nebenprojekten. So entstanden z.B. die “Fellow Reptiles”, wo Jyrki zusammen mit Claude ( SMACK ) 1996 die Single "Yours Truly" aufnahm, auf der sie ihre Lieblingssongs coverten. Tragischerweise kam Claude kurz vor der endgültigen Fertigstellung ums Leben und Jyrki beendete das Werk allein. Ebenfalls 1996 machten Jussi und Archzie einen "Abstecher" und unterstützten Andy McCoy und Pete Malmi, als diese die ehemalige Punkband "Briard" von Andy McCoy wiederbelebten.1998 dann spielte Jyrki gemeinsam mit dem französichen Streetrock Gitarristen Freddy Lynxx unter dem Namen “Dead Souls” einige Titel ein und "so ganz nebenbei" hatte er Ende der 90er auch noch ein Doors Coverprojekt namens "Kallion DOORS" laufen. Die Band - bestehend aus Mitgliedern der "Fishfaces" und Jyrki - tingelte recht erfolgreich durch die Clubs in Helsinki.1999. "Wasting The Dawn", das fünfte Album der Finnen, ( feat. Ville Valo (HIM), L.G. Petrov und Alex Hellid (Entombed), produziert von T.T.Oksala ) welches im Gegensatz zu den ersten Alben auch in Deutschland erschien, kam verdammt rockig daher und fand auch in Deutschland viele Freunde. Titel wie "Next Stop Paradise", "Hand Of God", "Lazarus Heart" oder eben der Titeltrack "Wasting The Dawn", welcher im Laufe der Jahre zur "69 Eyes Hymne" avancierte, bescherten ihnen auch den wohlverdienten internationalen Erfolg und zahllose Clubgigs. 2000. Mit "Blessed Be..." lieferten die Mannen dann eine brillante Mischung aus Rock und Melancholie. Zugleich ist das Album der zweite Teil der mit "Wasting The Dawn" begonnenen Trilogie. Produziert von Johnny Lee Michaels ( einem bekannten finnischen Komponisten für Filmmusik, mit dem Schwerpunkt Horrormovies, der sich ebenfalls diversen anderen Projekten mit z.B. Chris Kylven [ Eon Projekt-Mastermind und Killing Joke-Drummer ] widmet ) spiegelt es das charismatische Zusammentreffen von Goth'n'Roll mit "Matrix" und "Sleepy Hollow" wieder. Krachende Gitarren, brummender Bass, Keyboard-Parts, die richtige Mischung aus melancholischen Momenten, rockenden Grooves und der tiefen Stimme von Sänger Jyrki 69 ließen die Scheibe zur Dauerrotation in den Playern starten. Die Clubhit-Single dieses Albums, "Gothic Girl", welche es in Finnland zu Gold brachte und deren Video - das aus einer Mischung zwischen The Crow und The Sandman zu bestehen scheint und welches von Teemu Nikki erdacht wurde - mit dem Award eines finnischen TV-Senders ausgezeichnet wurde, zeigt das glückliche Händchen der Band für absolute Ohrwurmmelodien. Dies beweisen ebenfalls die tanzfreundlichen Titel "Framed In Blood", "Brandon Lee" und "Velvet Touch". Den absoluten Gänsehautfaktor dieses Albums liefert dann "Stolen Season". Vielleicht wird diese Gänsehaut auch vom Entstehungsort der Lyrics beeinflußt, denn Jyrki 69 zog sich zum Schreiben derselben an einen Ort in Nordfinnland zurück, seltsamerweise genau auf dem 69. Grad nördlicher Breite...Zudem ist Frontmann Jyrki 69 auch noch - mal eben nebenbei - in anderen Bereichen schreibtechnisch tätig. Er hat in einigen Magazinen ( in Deutschland im "ORKUS", in Frankreich im "Elegy" ) seine eigene Kolumne, schrieb für das Buch "Rock'n'Roll Adventures" ( Bench Press Publishing ) eine Kurzgeschichte zum Thema Roadstories und ist ebenfalls Gastautor in den Büchern "Gothic!" und "Gothic2" von Tobias Seeliger und Peter Matzke. 2002: Der dritte Teil der Trilogie, das Album "Paris Kills", zeigt einmal mehr die Wandlungsfähigkeit der Band und läßt deutlich die Weiterentwicklung der Musik spüren. Mehr Keyboards, geschickt portionierte Gitarren und schöne Texte lassen einen sehr genau zuhören und verweilen. Diese Scheibe ist sowohl zum Träumen als auch zum nächtlichen Abtanzen gleichermaßen geeignet.Wiederum produziert von Johnny Lee Michaels, beinhaltet es sehr viele Titel, die sofort ins Ohr gehen und dort auch lange Zeit hängenbleiben. Das Album - ebenso wie die erste Singleauskopplung "Dance d`Amour" - hat in Finnland Goldstatus erreicht. Die weiteren Auskopplungen - "Betty Blue" und "Crashing High" - waren nicht weniger erfolgreich, wobei die "Crashing High" Single mit drei - von Kris Kylven auf die Beine gestellten - Remixen des Albumtitels "Stigmata", ein sehr interessantes Extra zu bieten hat.Eine sehr erfolgreiche Deutschland Tour und einige Auftritte auf den großen Festivals des Jahres 2002 ließen die Herren Eyes mit Sicherheit ihre Fangemeinde in Deutschland erheblich vergrößern.Doch immer wieder auf den Experimentierpfaden wandelnd kamen auch jetzt wieder einige Nebenprojekte zum Zuge. Bazie betätigte sich bei der finnischen Band "Harlots Of Beyond" als Produzent, Jyrki wagte einen Abstecher in Richtung HipHop und steuerte seine Stimme bei der Band "KWAN" bei, ebenso stammen einige Backing Vocals auf der 2003 von "Spiha" veröffentlichten CD "Egoreactor" von ihm. Jussi wiederum jettet zuweilen durch Europa um seine DJ Fähigkeiten, z.B. in Hamburg, Mailand, oder Florenz unter Beweis zu stellen.Im Jahre 2003 gab es hier in Deutschland einige Auftritte auf den großen Sommerfestivals. Der dort erstmals vorgestellte Titel des zu erwartenden nächsten Albums - "Lost Boys" - läßt auf Großes hoffen, denn er klingt so, als würden die Herren Eyes sich wieder etwas mehr auf ihre Wurzeln konzentrieren, den guten alten ROCK!Ende des Jahres folgte eine sehr erfolgreiche Finnland Tour, auf der auch ein weiterer Titel - "Beneath The Blue" - des kommenden Albums vorgestellt wurde."Lost Boys" - die erste Auskopplung des kommenden Albums - wurde Anfang Juni 2004 in Finnland mit großem Erfolg veröffentlicht. Im Herbst 2004 erschien das Album "DEVILS", welches innerhalb kürzester Zeit in Finnland Goldstatus erreichte. Ebenso wurde eine ausgedehnte Finnland-Tour absolviert. Diverse Single Auskopplungen in Finnland und international folgten.Anfang 2005 erschien ein Re-Release des 1994 ursprünglich nur in Japan erschienenen Albums "Motor City Resurrection" worauf sich gleich 8 Bonustracks befinden.Von Januar bis Dezember folgten zahllose Termine, davon auch die ersten Festival-Gigs in Südamerika.Bis Ende 2006 haben die 69 Eyes diverse Liveauftritte bewältigt, darunter die erste USA-Tour der Bandgeschichte. Die erste Vorab-Single des kommenden Albums "Angels", wurde im Oktober 2006 digital veröffentlicht. Sie trägt den Titel "Perfect Skin" und das dazugehörige Video ist auch bereits abgedreht und online verfügbar.Mit dem kommenden Album "Angels" darf man voraussichtlich im März 2007 rechnen. Die ersten Daten für eine ausgedehnte Tour 2007 durch die USA, Kanada, England, Schottland, Belgien und die Niederlande stehen bereits fest.2007 wurde ein Jahr mit viel Stress. Mit 118 Konzerten weltweit stellte die Band einen neuen Livekonzert - Rekord auf und an Veröffentlichungen mangelte es ebenfalls nicht. Mit "Perfect Skin" kam die Vorab-Single zum neuen Album "Angels" heraus, dessen Veröffentlichung im Februar folgte. Während die Herren 69 sich bei Liveauftritten verausgabten, wurde die Fangemeinde mit Veröffentlichungen überschüttet. Hier alle aufzulisten würde zu weit führen, daher riskiert bitte einen Blick in die
Discografie oder die Liste aller Veröffentlichungen seit 1990. 2008 beginnt mit der Veröffentlichung von "Hollywood Kills", dem ersten Live - Album in der Bandgeschichte. Als dann, Let There Be ROCK in 2008!!

Einen Überblick aller Veröffentlichungen seit 1990 gibt es HIER ,Infos im einzelnen findet ihr in der unten aufgeführten Liste.Für nähere Informationen bitte die jeweiligen Links anklicken, dort findet ihr z.B. auch Hörproben von fast allen erschienen Titeln. Setlists diverser Konzerte gibt es HIER.
Bump’n’Grind / 1992 Motor City Resurrection / 1994 - VÖ nur in Japan Savage Garden / 1995 Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams / 1997Wasting The Dawn / 1999 / Single CD’sBlessed Be / 2000 / Single CD’sBlessed Be, 2 CD Collectors Edition / 2001 Paris Kills / 2002 / Single CD’sFramed In Blood - The Very Blessed Of The 69 Eyes / 2003Devils / 2004 / Single CD’sAngels / 2007Angels / Devils 2 Cd + DVD Special / 2007 ( USA / Finnland )Hollywood Kills - Live At The Whisky A Go Go / 2008 ( nur Finnland ) DVD’s Wasting The Dawn 1999Helsinki Vampires 2004 Singles der “frühen Jahre”: “Sugarman” / 7” Vinyl Single 1990“Barbarella” / 7” Vinyl Single 1991“Juicy Lucy” / 7” Vinyl Single 1992“Call Me” / 7” Viny Single 1992“High Times, Low Life” / 7” Vinyl Single 1993“Music For Tattooed Ladies And Motorcycle Mamas VOL.1” / CDs 1993“Suck My Mike” / 7” Vinyl Single 1994“Never Too Loud!!!” / 7” Vinyl Single 1994“Velvet Touch” / Cds 1995“Supershow” - Split mit den Backyard Babies / 7” Vinyl Single 1997 The 69 Eyes auf Tribute Alben : “I Wanna Be A Stooges” - Tribute to Iggy Pop and The Stooges / 1996, Frankreich“D.F.F.D.” - Tribute to The Dictators / 1996, Spanien“Hell On Earth” - Tribute to The Misfits / 1996, Schweden“Stranded In The Doll’s House” - Tribute to The new York Dolls / 1997, Japan Nebenprojekte der 69 Eyes Bandmitglieder : Fellow Reptiles - Jyrki 1996Dead Souls - Jyrki 1998Kallion DOORS - JyrkiBriard Revisited - Archzie/JussiHarlots Of Beyond - BazieKwan - Jyrki 2002Spiha - Jyrki 2003BARBE-Q-BARBIES - Bazie 2006 Sampler auf denen die 69 Eyes vertreten sind:( Liste nicht vollständig ) Zillo / Zilloscope 8/1999 und 11/2000ORKUS / The Best Of 1999Sonic Seducer / Like A Taste Of Sin 1999Sonic Seducer / Cold Hands Seduction VI 2000Gothic / Compilation Part X 2000
THE 69 EYES LYRICSFeel Berlin (2005 SINGLE)1. Feel Berlin (Edit)2. Pitchblack


There aren't many rock bands on this planet that wouldn't like to be regarded as unique. Of course, in these times of nostalgia and endlessly recycled ideas, very few actually deserve that description. Finland's Apocalyptica deserve it more than most. Utterly original in every respect, these classically-trained merchants of genre-shattering metal sound quite unlike anything or anyone else in musical history.
Formed in the early '90s Apocalyptica chose an entirely individual path from day one. A few years earlier, while students at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, these young virtuosos joined a cello band that specialised in playing music by everyone from Bach to Hendrix. However, Eicca Toppinen and his three comrades had something louder in mind. All fans of heavy metal, they decided to form their own band. Toppinen wrote some unique arrangements of songs by Metallica, Slayer and other metallic legends and the group embarked on a series of shows at student balls. As their services became more and more in demand, Apocalyptica took the bold step of playing a gig at a bona fide heavy metal club...
"We got to play at an after-Christmas party for metalheads at Teatro Heavy Metal Club in Helsinki in 1995," recalls Toppinen. "There were three other bands and every band was doing covers. It was one of the first shows when HIM played. They were covering Type O Negative, we were covering Metallica. It was really scary to go there and play in front of metalheads. We didn't know what was going to happen. We thought they might kill us! But they really freaked out and had a great time."
Lurking in the audience at this soon-to-be legendary gig was one Kari Hynninen of Zen Garden Records, who was so bowled over by the band's ingenious interpretations of metal anthems that he instantly offered them a contract and the chance to release their 1996 debut album, 'Plays Metallica by Four Cellos'.
"He called us and asked us if we wanted to make an album," says Toppinen, shaking his head with bewilderment. "For ourselves, we never thought we could make an album out of what we were doing. It was just for fun, some therapy away from practising all those shitty scales! So when the first album was released, we didn't expect much. If it had sold 1,000 copies in Finland that would've been great, but it sold over one million copies worldwide!"
Apocalyptica were an overnight success in their native land, embraced by a surprisingly large audience that contained both die-hard metal fans and chin-stroking classical aficionados. It might seem a peculiar combination, but for the band the two genres have a logical and natural relationship.
"There's a primitivity to be found in both metal and classical music," says Toppinen. "It's more hidden in classical music, but it's very powerful and strong. If you listen to the symphonies of Shostakovich, when he's really going hard it's comparable to Pantera or Sepultura. Also, people in both worlds love good musicians."
Inspired by their sudden and surprising rise to prominence, Apocalyptica spent the rest of the '90s riding a towering wave of creativity and earning themselves a formidable reputation as a jaw-dropping live act. In 1998 they released their second album, 'Inquisition Symphony', a second batch of cover versions that this time included songs by Faith No More, Pantera and Sepultura. It also featured the band's first original material: three songs that revealed that there was far more to Apocalyptica than novelty. By the time the Finns reached their third studio effort, 2000's 'Cult', they had decided to move away from cover versions and produced nearly a whole album's worth of fresh material that set the band's wild and compellingly diverse blend of disparate genres in stone once and for all. Now reduced to a trio Apocalyptica were determined to establish themselves as a powerful creative force.
"Writing our own songs brought a new dimension to the band," states Toppinen. "We already knew what we could do with cover versions and it wasn't interesting anymore. We needed to write new, fresh music for the instruments. We didn't think 'We need to do this to be credible', we just wanted to keep it interesting for ourselves and not to repeat the same shit."
With their reputation soaring, Apocalyptica entered the new millennium with another major step forward when they collaborated with legendary Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo on their fourth studio album, 'Reflections' (2003).
"We were playing at a metal festival in '97 in the Netherlands and Dave was giving a drum clinic," recalls Toppinen. "He came up to us and said 'Can you play some Slayer as well? Would you like to play with me?' so we said 'Sure!' We played 'South Of Heaven' live together with him, and after that he said 'Whenever you need a drummer, call me.' We've been friends ever since."
Realising that Lombardo's rhythmic muscle had given their sound a new lease of life and enabled them to veer off in numerous new directions, Apocalyptica enlisted their own full-time drummer, Mikko SirŽn, for 2005's self-titled opus. Easily the strongest album of their careers, 'Apocalyptica' saw the band strengthen their song writing skills and invite some guests into the studio, including HIM frontman Ville Valo, Lauri Ylšnen of The Rasmus and, again, Dave Lombardo, all of whom helped metal's premier bow-wielders to reach a wider audience than ever before.
And so to 2007, and Apocalyptica's brand new album, 'Worlds Collide'. Produced by long-time Rammstein muse Jacob Hellner, this is plainly the pinnacle of the Finnish ingŽnues steadily accelerating upward ascent; a dazzling collection of stunning mini-epics that touches upon every aspect of the band's history while introducing countless new ideas and unexpected detours to their unmistakable sound. Or simply put: a collection of great rock songs. Work began on the record back in August 2006, and since then the 40 or so songs the band wrote for the project have been whittled down to a concise and flawless dozen, including collaborations with Stone Sour/Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor (on first single 'I'm Not Jesus'), Lacuna Coil's sublime Cristina Scabbia, 3 Days Grace vocalist Adam Gontier and again their long time friend and collaborator Dave Lombardo.
"It's been really exciting," enthuses Toppinen. "For the last two albums we were producers, song writers, everything. This time we opened the door for different singers, a producer and even some co-writers. We've allowed other elements to come into Apocalyptica's world. It's been really interesting and exciting."
When Apocalyptica took centre stage as special guests at this year's Eurovision Song Contest in Helsinki, millions of music lovers around the world were blown away by the sight and sound of a band that create an ear-boggling spectacle wherever they go and who wear their uniqueness as a badge of ho*nour. With the release of 'Worlds Collide', Apocalyptica are poised to conquer hearts and minds all over the globe.
"We have tried to deliver a world class album," concludes Toppinen. "For us, it's an exciting time. We have great people working for us and I'm absolutely thrilled. For the first time in 11 years I feel that the whole team is working together. With that team we should be able to wake up all the people that knew about Apocalyptica but wouldn't have bought a ticket or bought the album before. We want to spread the word."

[ + ]
Apocalyptica Photo Gallery» Show gallery

Apocalyptica @ Myspace
www.apocalyptica-cult.prv.plRU (ruseng)COL CR

Booking/ ManagementHalbe Miete ManagementUlysses HüppauffMail: info@halbemiete.comBooking (worldwide excluding North America)Agent: Paul BoltonMail: Paul.Bolton(at) Booking North AmericaAgent: Jon PleeterMail: JPleeter(at)
EndorserArnette Sunglasses
www.arnette.comCrest Audio
www.crestaudio.comAccord Cases
www.rosinmakers.comKaffecentralen Strings
www.larsenstrings.comPearl Drums

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1024 x 768
800 x 600
Worlds Collide
1280 x 960
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800 x 600

Eicca Toppinen - Cello (1992)
Paavo Lötjönen - Cello (1992)
Perttu Kivilaakso - Cello (1999)
Mikko Sirén - Batería (2005)

Discografía [editar]
Articulo principal:
Discografía de Apocalyptica
Plays Metallica by Four Cellos (1996)
Inquisition Symphony (1998)
Cult (2000)
The Best of Apocalyptica (2002)
Reflections (2003)
Apocalyptica (2005)
Amplified // A Decade of Reinventing the Cello (2006)
Worlds Collide (2007)
Véase también:
Lista de canciones de Apocalyptica

APOCALYPTICA LYRICSalbum: "Cult" (2001 SPECIAL EDITION) PathStruggleRomancePrayIn MemoriamHyperventalationBeyond TimeHopeKaamosComaHall Of The Mountain KingUntil It SleepsFight Fire With FirePath Vol.2Hope Vol.2album: "Seemann" (2003) SeemannSeemannHeatalbum: "Faraway Vol. 2" (2003 EP) Faraway Vol. 2Faraway Vol. 2 (Extended Version)Perditionalbum: "Apocalyptica" (2005) Life BurnsQuutamoDistractionBittersweetMisconstructionFisheyeFarewellFatal ErrorBetrayal / ForgivenessRuskaDeathzoneEn VieHow FarWie Weitalbum: "Repressed" (2006 SINGLE) RepressedPath Vol. 2Betrayalalbum: "Worlds Collide" (2007) Worlds CollideGraceI'm Not JesusIonHeldenStrokeLast HopeI Don't CareBurnS.O.S. (Anything But Love)PeaceUralDreamer

Biografia -End of you

End Of You, the rapidly emerging rock/metal quintet from Helsinki, has been building a near-deafening “next big thing” buzz in the business lately. Driven by striking songs, colossal live shows and the undeniable chemistry of the group, they have already established a status that can’t be taken away. Confronted by the double-edged sword of overwhelming early praise, End Of You has risen to the challenge and recorded an album that easily delivers on all the claims made on their behalf. With their new collection of groundbreaking songs on “MIMESIS", band announces that they have the talent, the passion, and the songs to take themselves to the next level.
The band’s rise has been the result of consistent hard work since Mr. Pietilä first met some of the bands current members Mr. Lehtinen (bass) and Mr. Karppanen (guitars) in Helsinki back in the days. After adding Mr. Keijonen to drums and Mr. Borodavkin to electronic department, End Of You was formed in 2004. They played their first show in Semifinal Club, Helsinki and were soon building a local fanbase and also gathering lots of fans thru the internet. After just a few months of composing and gigging, the band had their first big break in early 2005, when Sami Tenetz got a copy of the highly acclaimed “Walking With No One”-demo. He was instantly struck by their talent and songs, and he immediately signed the band to the label, widely known as Spinefarm Records. Upon the release of their debut album, “UNREAL", in the beginning of 2006, the music community began to buzz and took immediate notice of songs and the band itself. The debut album gathered lots of killer reviews and much anticipated “Tour De Silencio” was roaming around the Finland throughout the 2006 keeping the rock clubs and dance floors busy! Now 2008, after two years and hundreds of hours of work it only takes one listen to “MIMESIS” to see the depth of the band’s growth in the past couple years. Produced by Hiili Hiilesmaa (HIM, The 69 Eyes, Apocalyptica), the music has taken on a richer, deeper, more intense and sophisticated direction, without loosing any of the melodies and killer grooves that has been bands trademark from the very beginning.
When “Next big things” come and go, it’s obvious that End Of You has something special – both talent and capability to revolutionize the whole scene once again. “MIMESIS” is the band’s declaration of ambition, musical growth, and dedication on every possible level. “MIMESIS" is everything you can expect from a groundbreaking and fresh album. If it all ended today, this is what the band wants to be remembered for.

In the year of 2003 first cloned mammal Dolly the sheep dies. About the same time elsewhere rock-group End Of You turns into flesh. Some say there’s a connection between these two significant events and that the spirit of Dolly haunts and torments the souls in End Of You.
An old air bomb from Second World War is found from a construction site near Mikkeli. The Year is 2005. Regardless of that or maybe therefore End Of You releases the hit single “Walking With No One”
March 29th, 2006 End Of You strikes with debut album “Unreal” and a partial solar eclipse is arranged in order to celebrate the album! 44% of the suns diameter is eclipsed in Helsinki. “Complete solar eclipses are so damn hard to arrange that we had to settle for the partial one”, tells an anonymous assistant from the bands organization. Nevertheless on Turkish soil the eclipse is presented as complete.
March 26th, 2008 “You Deserve More” single.April 23rd, 2008 Sophomore album Mimesis.

Jami PietiläVocals

Joni BorodavkinKeyboards

Timo LehtinenBass

Jani KarppanenQuitar

MimesisAlbumRelease date: 23.04.200801. Better God02. You Deserve More03. Memoir04. Goldeneye05. Over And Out06. Paper Trails07. Blind Rhythm08. Number 809. Driving Down The Void10. In Elegance (Closure)»lyrics

AlbumRelease date: 29.03.200601. All your silence 02. Upside down 03. Before 04. Walking with no one 05. Rome 06. Liar 07. Dreamside 08. My absolution 09. Twisted mind 10. Time to say
Ltd. edition incl. track "online"

»order»buy from iTunes

You deserve moreSingleRelease date: 26.03.200801. You deserve more02. You deserve more (A drug of choice-mix)

»order»buy from iTunes
Upside down
SingleRelease date: 08.03.200601. Upside down02. Online

Walking with no one
SingleRelease date: 04.01.200601. Walking with no one02. Time to say

END OF YOU LYRICSalbum: "Walking With No One" (2004 DEMO) Virtual Way Of MeWalking With No OneTwisted MindFragile SkinPurgatoryLiarTime To Sayalbum: "Unreal" (2006) All Your SilenceUpside DownBeforeWalking With No OneRomeLiarDreamsideMy AbsolutionTwisted MindTime To SayOnlinealbum: "Mimesis" (2008) Better GodMemoirYou Deserve MoreOver And OutPaper TrailsProcurerBlind RhythmDriving Down The VoidNumber 8In Elegance (Closure)

Biografia Icon and the black roses

The Fabulous Story of Icon
What we know today to be the band Icon and The Black Roses started four years ago when Johnny decided to start his own band in 1999. He met David, the band’s former drummer and together they started “Blue Obsession”. During this period they had a hard time finding suitable elements for the band and after several people coming in and out of the band, Johnny and David decided to record a demo anyways. Together they went to Espinha, who was a good friend of Johnny’s since childhood, and they started recording a demo at his place. In the meantime Luis (keyboard player) and Ana (singer) joined the band in time to record their parts in songs like “Remember” and “No More” . The demo called “4 Winter Songs” took six months to record.
Soon after the recordings were finished, the band decided to send the demo all over Europe. Later on they would sign a deal with Dark-Wings records. In the meantime, and having the demo in their hands, Sean Rose joined the band after a glamorous audition. Within months, Dark-Wings were demanding a 5 Track CD to be edited in Germany. So the band went into their own studio, which they acquired soon after signing the deal, and recorded 5 tracks (including Black Cage and Dreams and Silver Tears) mixed by Charlie Bauerfiend in Tenerife. In the meantime Sebastian was looking for a band after getting out of a Black Metal band that collapsed soon after his departure. So, he heard of Blue Obsession and decided he was the right guitar player for the band. With this new formation the band decided to call itself “ICON”.
Time went by with the band preparing their live shows but after a while our big friend David left the band and Mike Thorne replaced him (after a successful show of wrecking drumsticks). When the EP was ready, the label then decided it didn’t have any commercial value as it was only a 5 tracks CD. So this EP was never released. They decided it was time to record a real album and Tommy Newton was the producer for that. So the band recorded 4 tracks in Lisbon with Tommy Newton (which included songs like Crucify you love and Angel), unfortunately there was no chance of working with him for the final production. The label picked Michael Gerlach for the production, he did it with Max Devil and the band. It was later mixed by Espinha and Max. During this process Luis left the band and Ana was dismissed. So the band took a long journey to find a new keyboard player, and the female vocals would be sung by Johnny himself whenever he had an identity crisis. Did I say long? ok it took them one week and “Adam the master of keyboards” Nox joined the band. After this love and hate stories the band decided to finally change their name to “Icon and The Black Roses” and are now ready to spread Glitter, Metal and Roses all over the world.

Johnny Icon (João Silva)

Sean Rose (Sales)

Sebastian Noir (Dedus)

Adam Nox (Cláudio)

Mike Thorne (Miguel)